Effective this evening, Tradesight is updating the Futures Levels service, as previously announced. The new service will cover the following contracts:
The ZN contract has been dropped from the service for now.
The Levels have been expanded to include the following information each day (new items in bold):
Previous Day’s Open, High, Low, Close, UBreak, LBreak, VAH, VAL, R4, R3, R2, R1, Pivot, S1, S2, S3, S4, UPT, LPT, and 4 Starred Levels.
The printable version of the page, which subscribers can reach by logging into the website and going to Subscriptions…Futures Levels, will be available later this evening showing tomorrow’s data.
The latest versions of the e-Signal tools are available here. If you have a prior version installed, the best course of action is the following:
1) Close e-Signal and data manager
2) In Control Panel, uninstall Tradesight Suite for e-Signal
3) Download the new version for either e-Signal 10.6 or 11.x here and install it
4) For any chart that had the old version, you will have to remove the Formula, then right-click on the chart and hit Formulas, Tradesight, Futures Level 1.4.
This tool has more options and is editable in more ways than the last version, including backtesting of data. You can see the options by right-clicking on the chart and hitting Edit Studies.
The new Levels service is the basis for the Futures course that will be taught this weekend.