Answers to All Questions
This is a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for Tradesight. Anything you wanted to know about us, you should be able to find here.
- What Does My Trial Include?
Your free trial includes everything that comes with the Tradesight Plus subscription, including:
- Our Tradesight Plus reports with calls and market analysis in Stocks, Futures, Options, and Bitcoin
- Tradesight Futures Levels including Bitcoin
- Access to our complete 15 year archive of reports and trades
- Access to our Trading Lab in Discord, where you can listen to our analysts each day from your phone or computer and ask questions
- Access to the Tradesight Plus Twitter feed for tons of intraday calls and information
- Why do you require a credit card for the trial?
We have found that people abuse free trials and sign up with fake information. However, you can cancel your trial at any time before you membership begins. There is no obligation.
- What tools does Tradesight offer for NinjaTrader and eSignal users?
Our monthly subscriptions and 6-month mentorship programs include access to our tools for NinjaTrader and all of our tools for eSignal except the Seeker and Comber. Contact us for details.
- Is there a way to get a discount for eSignal or NinjaTrader?
Yes, you can get a permanent 25% discount on eSignal by clicking here. There is no discount for NinjaTrader but their lifetime package is cheaper.
- Do I have to have NinjaTrader or eSignal to use Tradesight?
Not at all. All Tradesight analysts and interns use NinjaTrader, and we do believe that it is the most powerful charting package out there. We also have written tools that we use to both NinjaTrader and eSignal, but we can help you make money even if you don’t use either yourself by guiding you on what we do. You can use our information with any broker and any charting platform.
- How do I get access to the real-time trade calls and information for members?
Whether you trade Stocks, Futures, Options, or Bitcoin, the intraday calls are delivered via our Tradesight Plus Twitter feed. This allows us to deliver our calls and content to anyone at whatever location they wish, whether it be their desktop, mobile phone, tablet, or text message. You need to request to follow the feed once you are a subscriber or trial member to gain access.
- Can I follow Tradesight on various social media and get useful information?
Yes, you can follow our main Twitter feed here. This will get you a lot of free information about the markets and does not require that you be accepted.
- Should I look at the monthly subscriptions or the mentorship programs?
That depends on what you are looking for. Most people take the mentorship programs first and then if they want to keep getting our calls and assistance (rather than doing it all themselves), they continue with our monthly subscriptions. Other people will try out the monthly calls first, even though they don’t have the education yet to know how to best use them, but they can typically find a way to make it useful.
- Do I have to pay for the monthly subscriptions while I’m in a 6-month mentorship program?
No, the mentorship programs include everything that comes with the monthly subscriptions for that asset class. It’s basically like getting the monthly subscriptions but committing to six months and paying a little extra to get one-on-one time with us and the education to learn how to trade profitably.