Tradesight Recap Report for 8/9/24

Today in the Markets:

The markets opened about flat and stayed flat all day on 5.8 billion NASDAQ shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

CL with Levels:

GC with Levels:


Two calls triggered.

ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A and worked, triggered short at B and worked:

Additional Futures Calls:


Results: +8 ticks


One call triggered.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, EBAY triggered long (with market support) and did not go enough to count:

That's 1 triggered with market support, and did not go enough to count.

Tradesight Recap Report for 8/8/24

Today in the Markets:

The markets gapped up, pulled back briefly, but did not fill the gap, then shot higher and close at the highs of the day at the Value Area High on 6 billion. shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

CL with Levels:

GC with Levels:


One call triggered.

ES Opening Range Play, triggered short at A and worked, at B was out of range to take long:

Additional Futures Calls:


Results: +4 ticks


Nothing triggered for the session.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered:


That's 0 triggered with market support.

Tradesight Recap Report for 8/7/24

Today in the Markets:

The markets gapped up, tried to go higher, but couldn't and then sold off, filled the gap across the value area and closed slightly negative on 6.2 billion NASDAQ shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

CL with Levels:

GC with Levels:


One call triggered.

ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A and worked:

Additional Futures Calls:


Results: +4 ticks


One call triggered.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich's AAPL triggered long (with market support) and did not work:

, :

That's 1 triggered with market support, and did not work.

Tradesight Recap Report for 8/6/24

Today in the Markets:

The markets opened dead flat, rallied a bit more, sold off right at the 13 sell signal and closed slightly green on 6.2 billion NASDAQ shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

CL with Levels:

GC with Levels:


Nothing triggered in range.

ES Opening Range Play, at A was out of range to take long, at B was out of range to take short:

Additional Futures Calls:


Results: +0 ticks


Two calls triggered.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich's SPOT triggered long (with market support) and worked:

Rich's KLAC triggered long (with market support) and worked:

That's 2 triggers with market support, and both worked.

Tradesight Recap Report for 8/5/24

The market's gapped down huge and the Vix spiked over 40 by a lot and then recovered a bit and closed slightly above the open on 6.8 billion NASDAQ shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

CL with Levels:

GC with Levels:


Nothing triggered in range.

ES Opening Range Play, at A was out of range to take:

Additional Futures Calls:


Results: +0 ticks


One call triggered.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich's HOOD triggered long (with market support) and worked:

That's 1 triggered with market support, and worked.

Tradesight Recap Report for 7/26/24

Today in the Markets:

The markets gapped up a little and went dead flat, spent most of the day in the Value Area, on 5.5 billion NASDAQ shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

CL with Levels:

GC with Levels:


One call triggered.

ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A and worked:

Additional Futures Calls:


Results: +7 ticks


Too flat of a day for anything to trigger.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered:


That's 0 triggered with market support.

Tradesight Recap Report for 7/25/24

Today in the Markets:

The markets gapped down a couple of points, went lower, then ran up, and the ES got a 13 sell signal, hit the risk line exactly, and dropped to lows of the day on 5.9 billion NASDAQ shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

CL with Levels:

GC with Levels:


Nothing triggered in range.

ES Opening Range Play, at A was out of range to take short:

Additional Futures Calls:


Results: +0 ticks


No triggers.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered:


That's 0 triggered with market support.

Tradesight Recap Report for 7/24/24

Today in the Markets:

The markets gapped down big due to earnings and dropped huge on 6.4 billion NASDAQ shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

CL with Levels:

GC with Levels:


One call triggered.

ES Opening Range Play:

Additional Futures Calls:


Results: +10 ticks


Two calls triggered. Good day overall.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, BA triggered short (with market support) and worked:

Rich's AAPL triggered short (with market support) and worked:

That's 2 triggered with market support, and both worked.

Tradesight Recap Report for 7/23/24

Today in the Markets:

The markets opened flat and did nothing all day on 5.2 billion NASDAQ shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

CL with Levels:

GC with Levels:


Two calls triggered.

ES Opening Range Play, triggered short at A and did not work, triggered long at B and worked:

Additional Futures Calls:


Results: -14 ticks


One call triggered,

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich's LLY triggered long (with market support) and worked enough for a partial:

That's 1 triggered with market support, and it worked.

Tradesight Recap Report for 7/22/24

Today in the Markets:

The markets gapped up and played both ways early, never filled the gap, and closed a little higher than where they opened on 5 billion NASDAQ shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

CL with Levels:

GC with Levels:


Two calls triggered.

ES Opening Range Play, long at A was too far out of range to take and short at B was too far out of range to take:

Additional Futures Calls:


Results: +0 ticks


Two calls triggered.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich's EXPE triggered short (with market support) and did not work:

AAPL triggered short (without market support) and worked:

That's 1 triggered with market support, and it did not work.