Tradesight Recap Report for 12/18/23

Today in the Markets:

First day of a new quarterly options cycle is usually about like this was. We gapped up small and no real action for the session, and we closed just above where we opened.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

YM with Levels:

ZB with Levels:

ZN with Levels:


One loser for the session.

ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A and stopped under the midpoint:

Additional Futures Calls:


Results: -14 ticks.


Not a very exciting day at all, but it was expected./

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich's CVX triggered long (with market support) but didn't work:

His UPS triggered long (with market support) but didn't work:

That's 2 triggers with market support, and both did not work.


Tradesight Recap Report for 12/8/23

Today in the Markets:

The markets opened about flat, surged up a little, came back, and then drifted higher after lunch on the first day of the new quarterly contracts on 5.2 billion NASDAQ shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

YM with Levels:

GC with Levels:

ZN with Levels:


Nothing triggered unless you were willing to give it an extra tick or two.

ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A but too far out of range to take:

Additional Futures Calls: None.

Results: +0 ticks.


A green day on stocks.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich's FDX triggered long (with market support) and worked:

His CHK triggered long (with market support) and worked:

That's 2 triggers with market support, and they both worked.


Tradesight Recap Report for 12/7/23

Today in the Markets:

The markets gapped up again, but this time went a little higher (after two attempts) and then went dead flat for the last five hours, which is about what you expect on quarterly futures contract roll day. NASDAQ volume was 4.6 billions shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

CL with Levels:

GC with Levels:

ZN with Levels:


Two winners for the session.

ES Opening Range Play, triggered short at A and worked enough for a partial. Triggered long at B and worked:

Additional Futures Calls: None.

Results: +10 ticks.


Another day with mixed results, including a couple that literally did nothing.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich's LNG triggered long (without market support) and didn't work:

His ROKU triggered short (with market support) but didn't work:

His GILD triggered short (with market support) and worked:

BABA PT play triggered long (with market support) but didn't go enough to count:

UPS PT play triggered long (with market support) but didn't go enough to count:

That's 4 triggers with market support, 1 worked, 1 did not, and 2 didn't do anything.


Tradesight Recap Report for 12/6/23

Today in the Markets:

The markets gapped up and filled, then went flat until after lunch, then closed a little lower on 5.0 billion NASDAQ shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

YM with Levels:

ZB with Levels:


A winner for the session.

ES Opening Range Play, triggered short at A and worked:

Additional Futures Calls: None.

Results: +8 ticks.


A mixed bag in stock trades for the session.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich's LYFT triggered short (with market support) but didn't work:

EBAY PT play triggered long (barely with market support) but didn't work:

ERX PT play triggered short (with market support) and worked:

EXPE PT play triggered short (with market support) but didn't go enough to count:

That's 4 triggers with market support, 1 worked, 2 did not and 1 didn't do anything.


Tradesight Recap Report for 12/5/23

Today in the Markets:

What a dead flat session. NASDAQ volume was 4.8 billion shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

YM with Levels:

ZN with Levels:

CL with Levels:


A loser and two small winners for the session.

ES Opening Range Play, triggered short at A and stopped above the midpoint. Triggered long at B and worked enough for a partial:

Additional Futures Calls: ES triggered long and worked:

Results: -2 ticks.


With a dead market comes no real movement in stocks, so even though we had several triggers, none of them moved.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich's SHOP triggered short (without market support) and didn't work:

His CAT triggered long (with market support) but didn't go enough to count:

His JPM triggered long (with market support) but didn't go enough to count:

EBAY PT play triggered long (with market support) but didn't go enough to count:
That's 3 triggers with market support, but none of them went enough to count.


Tradesight Recap Report for 12/4/23

Today in the Markets:

The markets gapped down and went a little lower, then came back and once again closed where they opened on 4.9 billion NASDAQ shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

YM with Levels:

6B with Levels:

6E with Levels:


Nice winners today in the Opening Range plays.

ES Opening Range Play triggered long at A and worked, triggered short at B and worked:

Additional Futures Calls: None.

Results: +28 ticks



These are the Tradesight calls that triggered ROKU PT play triggered long (with market support) and worked:

Rich's CVNA triggered long (with market support) and worked:

That's 2 triggers with market support, and both worked.


Tradesight Recap Report for 11/22/23

Today in the Markets:

The markets gapped up on the Busiest Travel Day in History and did nothing. Literally closed where they opened on 4.7 billion NASDAQ shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

CL with Levels:

ZB with Levels:

ZN with Levels:


Another green day for the week. 3 for 3.

ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A and worked, triggered short at B and worked:

Additional Futures Calls:


Results: +18 ticks.


Not enough action to trigger much.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich's SPOT triggered long (with market support) but didn't go enough to count:

That's 1 trigger with market support, and it did not do anything.


Tradesight Recap Report for 11/21/23

Today in the Markets:

The markets gapped down and went dead flat, which means it looks like people are already leaving for the long weekend. NASDAQ volume was 4.8 billion shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

6E with Levels:


Another winner.

ES Opening Range Play, triggered short at A and worked enough for a partial:

Additional Futures Calls:


Results: +4 ticks.


Nothing really triggered in the dead action.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich's ADBE triggered long (without market support) and didn't work:

That's 0 triggers with market support.


Tradesight Recap Report for 11/20/23

Today in the Markets:

The markets opened flat and pushed higher on 5.1 billion NASDAQ shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

YM with Levels:

ZB with Levels:

ZN with Levels:


A green day in futures.

ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A and worked:

Additional Futures Calls: None.

Results: +8 ticks.


Also a green day in stocks.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich's META triggered long (with market support) and worked:

ADBE triggered long (with market support) but didn't go enough, either way, to count:

That's 2 triggers with market support, 1 worked and 1 did not do anything.


Tradesight Recap Report for 11/10/23

Today in the Markets:

The markets gapped up, eventually pulled back a little, and then rallied on 4.9 billion NASDAQ shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

YM with Levels:

ZB with Levels:

ZN with Levels:



ES Opening Range Play, triggered short at A and worked. Triggered long at B and stopped:

Additional Futures Calls:


Results: -10 ticks.


A green day for Veteran's Day.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich's BA triggered long (with market support) but didn't go either way to count:

His FDX triggered short (with market support) but didn't work:

CAT PT play triggered long (with market support) and worked:

OIH triggered short (ETF, so no market support needed) but didn't work:


That's 3 triggered with market support, 1 worked, 1 did not, and 1 didn't do anything.