Tradesight Recap Report for 9/14/23
Today in the Markets:
This had to have been the options unraveling move. Markets gapped up and pushed a little higher on 5.2 billion NASDAQ shares.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
CL with Levels:
GC with Levels:
Opening range was too wide again for the second day in a row.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered short at A but too far out of range to take:
Additional Futures Calls:
Results: +0 ticks.
One trigger that worked and one that didn't.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich's ORCL triggered long (without market support) and worked enough for a partial:
COIN PT play triggered short (with market support) but didn't work:
That's 1 trigger with market support, but it didn't work.
Forex: No calls for the session.
Results: +0 pips.
Tradesight Recap Report for 9/13/23
Today in the Markets:
Another dead flat day, so no options unravel yet. NASDAQ volume was 4.8 billion shares.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
CL with Levels:
GC with Levels:
Nothing here for once.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A but too far out of range to take. Triggered short at B but too far out of range to take:
Additional Futures Calls: None.
Results: +0 ticks.
A green but boring day if you took everything.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, GS triggered long (with market support) but didn't go enough to count:
BIIB triggered short (without market support) and worked:
That's 1 trigger with market support, and it didn't do anything.
Forex: No calls for the session.
Results: +0 pips.
Tradesight Recap Report for 9/12/23
Today in the Markets:
The markets gapped down and didn't do much again on 4.9 billion NASDAQ shares. Back and forth and almost filled the gap.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
CL with Levels:
GC with Levels:
A small winner for the session.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A and worked enough for a partial:
Additional Futures Calls: None.
Results: +4 ticks.
A winner for the session.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, GS PT play triggered long (without market support) and worked big:
Rich's FDX triggered short (with market support) and worked:
That's 1 trigger with market support, and it worked.
Forex: No calls for the session.
Results: +0 pips.
Tradesight Recap Report for 9/11/23
Today in the Markets:
Markets are usually slow on 9/11, and this was no exception. We gapped up a bit and closed where we opened.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
CL with Levels:
GC with Levels:
A loser and a nice winner for the session.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A and stopped. Triggered short at B and worked:
Additional Futures Calls: None.
Results: +15 ticks.
A mixed bag in stock trading.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, COST triggered long (without market support) and worked:
BA triggered short (with market support) and worked enough for a partial:
UPS triggered short (with market support) but didn't work:
That's 2 triggers with market support, 1 worked and 1 did not.
Forex: No calls for the session.
Results: +0 pips
Tradesight Recap Report for 9/1/23
Today in the Markets:
We gapped up decent but came back and filled and closed about even, so another dead day on 4.8 billion NASDAQ shares.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
CL with Levels:
GC with Levels:
A winner for the session, and it was good.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered short at A and worked:
Additional Futures Calls: None.
Results: +20.5 ticks
No triggers with market support on a dead flat day.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, DG triggered long (without market support) but didn't work:
DE triggered long (without market support) and worked:
That's 0 triggers with market support.
No calls for the session.
Results: +0 pips.
Tradesight Recap Report for 8/31/23
Today in the Markets:
We gapped up small, went a little higher, filled and did nothing else. What a boring day again on 5.0 billion NASDAQ shares.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
CL with Levels:
GC with Levels:
Two losers for the session.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A and stopped. Triggered short at B and stopped:
Additional Futures Calls: None.
Results: -29 ticks.
Another winner. 4 for 4 this week so far.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, DG triggered long (barely with market support) and worked:
That's 1 trigger with market support, and it worked.
Forex: No calls for the session.
Results: +0 pips.
Tradesight Recap Report for 8/30/23
Today in the Markets:
It was a pretty dead day with no gap left behind on 4.6 billion NASDAQ shares.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
CL with Levels:
GC with Levels:
A loser for the session.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A but too far out of range to take. Triggered short at B and stopped above the midpoint:
Additional Futures Calls: None.
Results: -13 ticks.
Another solid day in stock trading.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, TXN triggered long (with market support) and worked:
UBER triggered long (with market support) and worked:
That's 2 triggers with market support, and they both worked.
No calls for the session.
It's still summer.
Results: +0 pips.
Tradesight Recap Report for 8/29/23
Today in the Markets:
A flat opening and then we rallied on 4.9 billion NASDAQ shares.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
CL with Levels:
GC with Levels:
A winner for the session. It was good.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A and worked:
Additional Futures Calls: None.
Results: +19 ticks.
One call triggered.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, ETSY PT play triggered long (with market support) and worked big:
That's 1 trigger with market support, and it worked.
No calls for the session.
Results: +0 pips.
Tradesight Recap Report for 8/28/23
Today in the Markets:
What a waste of a day. We gapped up small and did nothing all session, basically couldn't even fill the ES small gap and closed where we opened on 4.8 billion NASDAQ shares. If the whole week is like this ahead of Labor Day, this will not be great.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
CL with Levels:
GC with Levels:
A winner and a loser for the session.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A and worked. Triggered short at B and stopped:
Additional Futures Calls: None.
Results: -10 ticks.
No calls for the session on a wasted day.
No calls for the session. Forex Levels have been too bunched together and nothing is happening anyway.
Results: +0 pips.
Tradesight Recap Report for 8/18/23
Today in the Markets:
Options expiration in August, what could be less interesting? The markets gapped down a bit and slowly made their way back up to fill on 6.7 (options expiration volume) billion NASDAQ shares.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
CL with Levels:
GC with Levels:
Nothing at all for once.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A but too far out of range to take:
Additional Futures Calls: None.
Results: +0 ticks.
Didn't expect much for options expiration in August and we got exactly that.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered:
Forex: No calls for the session.
Totally dead.
Results: +0 pips.