Tradesight Recap Report for 4/26/24
Today in the Markets:
Markets gap down small and filled quickly and then went dead flat for the rest of the session on 4.9 billion NASDAQ shares.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
YM with Levels:
CL with Levels:
GC with Levels:
ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A but too far out of range to take:
Additional Futures Calls:
Results: +0 ticks.
Not much here on what we expected to be a waste of a day.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, MUX triggered long (without market support due to first 5-minute) but didn't work. Worked enough for a partial if you took it again later with the market support:
HCC triggered long (without market support due to first 5-minute) but didn't work. Worked if you took it again later in the day:
That's 0 triggers with market support.
Tradesight Recap Report for 4/25/24
Today in the Markets:
Markets down and filled in the gap by the end of the day very late on 5.2 billion NASDAQ shares.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
YM with Levels:
CL with Levels:
GC with Levels:
A winning session for futures.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered short at A and worked enough for a partial, triggered long at B and worked enough for a partial:
Additional Futures Calls:
Results: +8 ticks.
A winning session for stocks.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, NVDA triggered long (with market support) and worked:
RRC triggered long (no market support due to first 5-minute) and worked enough for a partial:
That's 1 trigger with market support, and it worked.
Tradesight Recap Report for 4/24/24
Today in the Markets:
The markets gapped up a little, reversed to the downside about the same amount, and then came back to flat and closed even on 5.1 billion NASDAQ shares.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
YM with Levels:
CL with Levels:
ZN with Levels:
A winner and a loser for the session.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered short at A and stopped above the midpoint. Triggered long at B and worked enough for a partial:
Additional Futures Calls:
Results: -16 ticks
Not much of a session with just one trigger.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich's SPOT triggered short (without market support due to first 5-minute) and didn't work. Worked great if you took the second short trigger of 297.90 :
That's 0 triggers with market support.
Tradesight Recap Report for 4/23/24
Today in the Markets:
The markets gapped up and pushed higher early and then went dead flat on 5.1 billion NASDAQ shares.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
YM with Levels:
CL with Levels:
6B with Levels:
A minor day of gains in the futures from the Opening Range plays.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A and worked enough for a partial:
Additional Futures Calls:
Results: +4 ticks.
A very nice green day for our calls.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered.
GS triggered long (with market support) and worked great:
PYPL PT play triggered long (with market support) and worked:
JPM PT play triggered long (with market support) and but didn't go enough either way to count:
Rich's GILD triggered long (with market support) and didn't work:
BOOT triggered long (without market support due to first 5-minute) and worked big:
AR triggered long (with market support) and worked:
VIST triggered long (with market support) but didn't go enough to count:
That's 6 triggers with market support, 3 worked, 1 didn't, and 2 didn't do anything.
Tradesight Recap Report for 4/22/24
Today in the Markets:
The markets gapped up, pulled back to almost fill the gaps, then rallied higher and topped out on a Comber 13 sell signal for the ES, NQ, and RTY all around the same time.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
YM with Levels:
CL with Levels:
6B with Levels:
Not a great day for the Opening Range plays.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered short at A and worked enough for a partial. Triggered long at B and stopped under the midpoint:
Additional Futures Calls:
Results: -16 ticks.
A couple of losers for the session.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich's AXP triggered long (no market support due to first 5-minutes) and stopped. Worked if you took it again later in the day:
His AMAT triggered short (with market support) and didn't work:
His ZM triggered short (with market support) and didn't work:
That's 2 triggers with market support, and they both didn't work.
Tradesight Recap Report for 4/15/24
Today in the Markets:
The markets gapped up and sold off a lot on 5.6 billion NASDAQ shares.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
CL with Levels:
GC with Levels:
One call triggered.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered short at A and worked:
Additional Futures Calls:
Results: +8 ticks
Two calls triggered. Big day.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, EL triggered short (with market support) and worked:
Rich's WDAY triggered short (with market support) and worked:
That's 2 triggers with market support, both worked.
Tradesight Recap Report for 4/12/24
Today in the Markets:
The markets gapped down on concerns in the Middle East and went lower and the S&P closed at the low of the week on 5.6 billion NASDAQ shares.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
YM with Levels:
CL with Levels:
GC with Levels:
Nothing here under the rules.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A but too far out of range to take. Triggered short at B but too far out of range to take.
Additional Futures Calls:
Results: +0 ticks.
One loser.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, COST PT play triggered short (with market support) and didn't work:
That's 1 trigger with market support, and it didn't work.
Tradesight Recap Report for 4/11/24
Today in the Markets:
We gapped up slightly after a big move premarket, then pulled back, then rallied hard on 5.5 billion NASDAQ shares.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
YM with Levels:
CL with Levels:
GC with Levels:
ES Opening Range Play, triggered short at A but too far out of range to take:
Additional Futures Calls:
Results: +0 ticks.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, FSLR PT play triggered short (with market support) and worked:
WYNN PT play triggered long (with market support) but didn't go enough to count:
Rich's NVDA triggered long (without market support) and worked big:
That's 2 triggers with market support, 1 worked and 1 didn't do anything.
Tradesight Recap Report for 4/10/24
Today in the Markets:
The markets gapped down, rallied a bit, and then went dead flat all day on 5 billion NASDAQ shares.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
YM with Levels:
6B with Levels:
ZB with Levels:
One loser for the session.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A and stopped:
Additional Futures Calls:
Results: -20 ticks.
Too flat for any of the calls to trigger.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered:
That's 0 triggers with market support.
Tradesight Recap Report for 4/9/24
Today in the Markets:
The markets gapped up and sold off sharply, then recovered to about even on 5.1 billion NASDAQ shares.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
YM with Levels:
6B with Levels:
CL with Levels:
Two winners and a loser for the session.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A and stopped, triggered short at B and worked enough for a partial:
Additional Futures Calls, triggered short at 5263 and worked:
Results: +7 ticks.
Three clean winners for the session.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich's VLO triggered short (with market support) and worked:
His META triggered short (with market support) and worked:
His XLE triggered short (ETF, so no market support needed) and worked:
That's 3 triggers with market support, and they all worked.