Forex Calls Recap for 12/14/12

A stop out and then a bigger winner on the EURUSD. See that section below.
As usual on the Sunday report, we will look at the action from Thursday night/Friday, then look at the daily charts heading into the new week (look at breakouts on the EURUSD and AUDUSD) with the Seeker and Comber separately, and then glance at the US Dollar Index (nothing to see there).
Here's a look at the US Dollar Index intraday with our market directional lines:

New calls and Chat tonight after 5 pm EST when the new levels come out after global rollover.
Triggered long at A and stopped. Triggerd long at B, hit first target at C, and closed final piece at D for 50 pips and the end of the week:

Stock Picks Recap for 12/13/12

With each stock's recap, we will include a (with market support) or (without market support) tag, designating whether the trade triggered with or without market directional support at the time. Anything in the first five minutes will be considered WITHOUT market support because market direction cannot be determined that early. ETF calls do not require market support, and are thus either winners or losers.
From the report, CTSH triggered long (with market support) and worked enough for a partial, then rolled with the market, destroying an otherwise perfect breakout pattern:

WERN triggered short (with market support) and worked:

From the Messenger/Tradesight_st Twitter Feed, Rich's AAPL triggered long (with market support) and didn't work:

His GS triggered long (with market support) and worked:

TLT triggered long (ETF, so no market support needed) and worked:

EBAY triggered short (with market support) and didn't work:

Rich's V triggered short (with market support) and worked:

AAPL triggered short (with market support) and worked:

NFLX triggered long (with market support) and didn't work:

Rich's POT triggered short (with market support) and worked:

His CRUS triggered short (with market support) and didn't work:

In total, that's 11 trades triggering with market support, 7 of them worked, 4 did not.

Futures Calls Recap for 12/13/12

Couple of triggers with various results. See ES and NQ sections below. Tomorrow, we start trading the H3 (March 2013) contracts, and the first day of trading a new contract is usually a little sketchy.
Net ticks: -2 ticks.
As usual, let's start by taking a look at the ES and NQ with our market directional lines, VWAP, and Comber on the 5-minute chart from today's session:

My short triggered at A at 1425.75 and stopped for 7 ticks. Mark's long triggered at B at 1430.75 and stopped for 7 ticks. Both were cancelled in terms of further entries:

Just a reminder that we use half points for ticks on the NQ and not the quarter point measurement that the exchanges switched to in recent years. This allows us to use 6 ticks as a key target as we do on the other contracts. It also keeps the value of a tick at $10, closer to the value of a tick on the other contracts.
Mark's long triggered at 2679.00 at A and hit the first target and more, closing the final piece on a stop at 2685.50 at B. His short triggered at 2665.50 at C and hit the first target, and the second half stopped over the entry:

Forex Calls Recap for 12/13/12

Closed out two winners carried from the last two days at gains, and then got stopped out of a new short in the EURUSD. See that section below.
Here's a look at the US Dollar Index intraday with our market directional lines:

New calls and Chat tonight after 5 pm EST when the new levels come out after global rollover.
Stopped out of the winners from the prior two sessions under the Pivot for 85 and 20 pip winners to final exit. New trade triggered short at A and stopped:

Stock Picks Recap for 12/12/12

With each stock's recap, we will include a (with market support) or (without market support) tag, designating whether the trade triggered with or without market directional support at the time. Anything in the first five minutes will be considered WITHOUT market support because market direction cannot be determined that early. ETF calls do not require market support, and are thus either winners or losers.
From the report, SPWR triggered long (without market support) and worked:

ROVI triggered long (without market support) and didn't work:

NUVA triggered long (without market support) and worked:

From the Messenger/Tradesight_st Twitter Feed, GS triggered long (with market support) and didn't work:

Mark's AMGN triggered long (with market support) and worked:

AMZN triggered long (with market support) and worked:

Rich's AAPL triggered short (with market support) and worked:

His APC triggered long (with market support) and didn't work:

In total, that's 5 trades triggering with market support, 3 of them worked, 2 did not.

Stock Picks Recap for 12/12/12

With each stock's recap, we will include a (with market support) or (without market support) tag, designating whether the trade triggered with or without market directional support at the time. Anything in the first five minutes will be considered WITHOUT market support because market direction cannot be determined that early. ETF calls do not require market support, and are thus either winners or losers.
From the report, SPWR triggered long (without market support) and worked:

ROVI triggered long (without market support) and didn't work:

NUVA triggered long (without market support) and worked:

From the Messenger/Tradesight_st Twitter Feed, GS triggered long (with market support) and didn't work:

Mark's AMGN triggered long (with market support) and worked:

AMZN triggered long (with market support) and worked:

Rich's AAPL triggered short (with market support) and worked:

His APC triggered long (with market support) and didn't work:

In total, that's 5 trades triggering with market support, 3 of them worked, 2 did not.

Futures Calls Recap for 12/12/12

Two winners and no losers for the Fed announcement. See ES and NQ below. Market volume was a little light at 1.5 billion NASDAQ shares.
Net ticks: +10.5 ticks.
As usual, let's start by taking a look at the ES and NQ with our market directional lines, VWAP, and Comber on the 5-minute chart from today's session:

Mark's ES triggered at A at 1437.75 after the Fed, hit first target for 6 ticks, and stopped the second half under the entry:

Just a reminder that we use half points for ticks on the NQ and not the quarter point measurement that the exchanges switched to in recent years. This allows us to use 6 ticks as a key target as we do on the other contracts. It also keeps the value of a tick at $10, closer to the value of a tick on the other contracts.
My short triggered at A at 2689.00 and hit the first target for 6 ticks and kept going. After adjusting the stop a few times, the final exit was 2684.00 for 10 ticks:

Futures Calls Recap for 12/12/12

Two winners and no losers for the Fed announcement. See ES and NQ below. Market volume was a little light at 1.5 billion NASDAQ shares.
Net ticks: +10.5 ticks.
As usual, let's start by taking a look at the ES and NQ with our market directional lines, VWAP, and Comber on the 5-minute chart from today's session:

Mark's ES triggered at A at 1437.75 after the Fed, hit first target for 6 ticks, and stopped the second half under the entry:

Just a reminder that we use half points for ticks on the NQ and not the quarter point measurement that the exchanges switched to in recent years. This allows us to use 6 ticks as a key target as we do on the other contracts. It also keeps the value of a tick at $10, closer to the value of a tick on the other contracts.
My short triggered at A at 2689.00 and hit the first target for 6 ticks and kept going. After adjusting the stop a few times, the final exit was 2684.00 for 10 ticks:

Forex Calls Recap for 12/12/12

Another winning trade on the EURUSD, plus we're now over 100 pips in the money on the trade from the prior session. It really feels like Forex is starting to improve, even if the ranges aren't great yet. See EURUSD section below.
Here's a look at the US Dollar Index intraday with our market directional lines:

New calls and Chat tonight after 5 pm EST when the new levels come out after global rollover.
We came in long from the prior session with a stop under LBreak that never hit. Triggered long a new trade at A, hit first target at B, and still carrying both longs with a stop under R2:

Forex Calls Recap for 12/12/12

Another winning trade on the EURUSD, plus we're now over 100 pips in the money on the trade from the prior session. It really feels like Forex is starting to improve, even if the ranges aren't great yet. See EURUSD section below.
Here's a look at the US Dollar Index intraday with our market directional lines:

New calls and Chat tonight after 5 pm EST when the new levels come out after global rollover.
We came in long from the prior session with a stop under LBreak that never hit. Triggered long a new trade at A, hit first target at B, and still carrying both longs with a stop under R2: