Another small winner to end the week in the GBPUSD, which was good to us this week.
No calls or Levels Sunday for the Labor Day holiday here in the US. Back to work Monday night.
Here’s the US Dollar Index intraday with market directional lines:
As usual on the Sunday report, we’ll have a look at the action from Thursday night/Friday, then the daily charts heading into the new week (nothing special to see); INSERT INTO `wp_posts` (`ID`, `post_author`, `post_date`, `post_date_gmt`, `post_content`, `post_title`, `post_category`, `post_excerpt`, `post_status`, `comment_status`, `ping_status`, `post_password`, `post_name`, `to_ping`, `pinged`, `post_modified`, `post_modified_gmt`, `post_content_filtered`, `post_parent`, `guid`, `menu_order`, `post_type`, `post_mime_type`, `comment_count`) VALUES and then discuss (briefly) the US Dollar Index.
The rest of the report is available for subscribers only.