New trade on the GBPUSD Vuse stopped, but the second half of the prior day’s short closed out for 125 pips or so. See below.
New calls tonight and Chat, but we have NFP data in the morning, which is one of our big three each month, so I’m less than half size for it. Might get a setup for end of week bank closeout heading into the long weekend in the morning, unless they already left.
Here’s the US Dollar Index intraday with market directional lines as we track them:
Came into the session still short half of a position from the prior day and moved the stop over the UBreak, which was the red line at A. New trade triggered short overnight at B and unfortunately stopped me out at C by a few pips before working. However, the other short was still in place and I lowered the stop twice in the morning, finally stopping out over SEO S2 at D for 125 pip gain to the final: