Took 6 trades to get 2 winners with both the ES and NQ short ideas sweeping twice before working. See both sections below.
Net ticks: -11 ticks.
First, let’s take a look at the ES and NQ with our market directional lines, VWAP, and Seeker:
Here’s the usual 5-minute chart on the ES with Levels. I will use the 1-minute chart to show today’s triggers since there were a few in a row:
Triggered short under LBreak at A and stopped at B for 7 ticks. Triggered short again at C and stopped for 7 ticks again. Triggered in the next bar again, hit first target for 6 ticks, lowered stop a few times, and stopped final exit at D for 23 ticks, for an average of 14.5 ticks made on that last trade:
Here’s the usual 5-minute chart on the ES with Levels. I will use the 1-minute chart to show today’s triggers since there were a few in a row:
Remember that on the NQ, we use half a point as a tick instead of the quarter point that the exchange uses.
Triggered short at A and stopped for 7 ticks at B. Did the same again, triggering short at C, stopping at D, and then triggered again at E, hit first target at F, stopped last over entry for 2.5 ticks on average on that play: