Lots of triggers on another choppy day where market direction changed eight times. Volume was again weak at 1.5 billion NASDAQ shares. See ES and NQ sections below for recaps.
Net ticks: -13 ticks.
As usual, let’s start by looking at the ES and NQ with our market directional lines, Seeker, and VWAP:
In the morning session, the ES triggered short at 1308.00 at A and stopped for 7 ticks, then triggered again two bars later and hit the first target for 6 ticks. Stop was adjusted over the entry and the second half stopped there. In the afternoon, triggered long at 1314.25 at B, hit first target for 6 ticks, and stop was raised to 1315.50 and stopped in the money:
Triggered short at 2534.50 at A and stopped. Retriggered at B and stopped. Next trigger would have worked to first target, but I canceled the re-entry after the market was so choppy: