We had an ES trade that worked, an NQ trade that didn’t, and then an NQ trade later that worked for a couple of ticks before I closed it out for lack of action. See both sections below.
Net ticks: -2.5 ticks.
As usual, let’s start out by looking at the ES and NQ with our market directional lines, VWAP, and Seeker:
Mark’s trade triggered short at A at 1342.00, hit first target for 6 ticks, and then stopped the second half over the entry, just barely, before pushing lower. Just missed a bigger trade on that one:
Remember that on the NQ, we use half points as ticks.
Early triggered under the Pivot at A stopped for 7 ticks. Later, we set the S1 at B, called the short under it that triggered at C, and closed it out for 2 ticks when it took 15 minutes to do nothing (and then it proceeded to go):