Volume ended up being even worse today in the market than Monday. We did go ahead with two calls early despite the volume. The first one worked and the second one did not (although the second setup was terrific). See ES section below.
Net ticks: -4.5 ticks.
As usual, let’s start with a look at the ES and NQ with our market directional lines, VWAP, and Seeker. Note that even in this light volume day, the Seeker gave a 13 sell signal at the high of the session (and the Value Area High):
Triggered short at A at 1359.00, hit the first target for six ticks, and stopped the second half over the entry. The market then recovered and we had a nice setup with the ES moving back into the Value Area and the Pivot being the exact high from the morning action, so we triggered long over the Pivot at B, but nothing happened for over 30 minutes and it finally stopped for 7 ticks: