We’ve been pretty excited the last few weeks at Tradesight about the new Trading Lab technology that allows people to view our Lab on the go (at least via Android devices for now) and also eliminates the need for Java on your desktop, which was heavily requested by many due to the security issues with Java found in the last year.
However, for those that haven’t yet made the switch to our private Twitter feeds from the Desktop-based (and up to 60-second delayed) Tradesight Messenger (now on its EIGHTH YEAR in existence), I highly recommend that you give it a try. And in the process, whether you have an iPhone or Android device, I suggest you take a look at Plume as a Twitter client for your phone or tablet. I’ve been using it recently, and I really, really like it.
Let’s start at the beginning. What is a Twitter client? Twitter is basically a service where you sign up by creating a username and profile, and then follow others. Using 140-characters at a time, people can type things that they want you to know about them (or their company), and you receive the “Tweets” of those that you choose to follow.
The question is, how do you decide how to receive the tweets? You can use the generic Twitter application, and you can also set your Twitter account to text tweets to your phone. However, I have found a new little app called Plume to be my favorite at the moment for a few reasons.
First of all, it is extremely appealing to the eyes. I love the font, the color scheme, the background color, etc. I have the new Droid Maxx for Verizon, and it has a really nice HD screen where Plume looks very sharp. When you install it and then log into it with your Twitter username and password, you get all of the tweets you follow, plus your “Feeds” that you created. For example, I have one called Trading that is just all of the Tradesight feeds. This way, when I step away from my desk, I know if Mark or Rich post a call immediately. I also know when things like the Futures and Forex Levels are ready.
Here’s a screenshot of Plume with my Trading feed:
But, even nicer, the newer Twitter clients are starting to show small images when pictures or YouTube videos are referenced in a tweet. So for example, when we tweet the daily market previews, you get something that looks like this:
Or if we just put a chart in there, you’ll see it right away. It’s just really nice. The notification sound is great, and on the latest Android with the new “non-swiped” home page notifications, it is just really simple to use. We highly recommend that you try it out.