Tradesight Recap Report for 3/2/21

Overview The markets gapped down a little, drifted lower, came back, and then closed at the lows on just 4.9 billion NASDAQ shares. ES with Levels: ES with market direction: Futures: ES Opening Range Play triggered short at A but too far out of range to take: NQ Opening Range Play triggered short at A but too far out of range to take: Results: +0 ticks…

Tradesight Recap Report for 3/1/21

Overview The markets gapped up and went higher early, then went dead flat for the last 5 hours on 5 billion NASDAQ shares. ES with Levels: ES with market directional: Futures: ES Opening Range Play triggered long at A and stopped under the midpoint: NQ Opening Range Play triggered too far out of range to take: Results: -18 ticks Forex: GBPUSD triggered long…

Tradesight Recap Report for 2/26/21

Overview Markets gapped up, filled, and were about to close flat for end of month Statement printing on a Friday when they tanked a bit in the last 10 minutes on 5.9 billion NASDAQ shares. ES with Levels: ES with Market Directional: Futures: ES Opening Range Play triggered short at A but too far out of range to take: NQ Opening Range Play triggered long at A and…

Tradesight Recap Report for 2/25/21

Overview Futures: ES Opening Range Play triggered long at A and worked, triggered short at B and worked: NQ Opening Range Play: Results: +30 ticks Forex: GBPUSD, no calls: Results: 0 pips Stocks: No calls in the report left. Rich's AAPL triggered long (with market support) and didn't work: His EXPE triggered short (with market support) and…

Tradesight Recap Report for 2/24/21

Overview Markets opened flat and didn't do much, eventually filled the gaps and then lifted over lunch and went dead in the afternoon on just (?) 5.8 billion NASDAQ shares. ES with Levels: ES with Market Direction: Futures: ES Opening Range Play, all triggered were too far out of range to take: NQ Opening Range Play, all triggered were too far out of range to take:…

Tradesight Recap Report for 2/23/21

Overview The markets gapped down hard and went lower for 20 minutes, then spent the rest of the day recovering on 7.5 billion NASDAQ shares. We bought the ES on the cup and handle breakout late in the day at A and made 80 ticks: ES with market directional: Futures: ES Opening Range Play triggered short at A and worked: NQ Opening Range Play too far out of range to take:…

Tradesight Recap Report for 2/22/21

Overview The markets gapped down, tried to rally for 30, then went lower. The NASDAQ was weaker than the broad market, and we closed near lows on 6.5 billion NASDAQ shares. ES with Levels: ES with Market Directional: Futures: ES Opening Range Play triggered short at A and stopped over the midpoint, triggered long at B and worked enough for a partial: NQ Opening Range…

Tradesight Recap Report for 2/19/21

Overview Straight out of Module 10 from the course, a dead session for options expiration. NASDAQ volume was 6.7 billion shares. We gapped up small and stayed flat through most of the session. We were dead even until the last 15 minutes. Here's the ES with Levels: ES with Market Directional: Futures: ES Opening Range Play triggered short at A and worked enough for a…

Tradesight Recap Report for 2/18/21

Overview The markets gapped down, went lower, and eventually climbed up to almost fill the gap on 6.5 billion NASDAQ shares. Here's the ES with Levels: And with market directional: Futures: ES Opening Range Play triggered long at A and worked enough for a partial, triggered short at B and stopped over the midpoint: NQ Opening Range Play triggered long at A and short at B, both…

Tradesight Recap Report for 2/17/21

Overview The markets gapped down and didn't do much early, probably more negative than positive, but then things came back and the S&P closed -1 on 7.2 billion NASDAQ shares. ES with Levels: ES with Market Direction: Futures: ES Opening Range Play triggered long at A and worked, triggered short at B and worked: NQ Opening Range Play: Results: +26 ticks…