With each stock’s recap, we will include a (with market support) or (without market support) tag, designating whether the trade triggered with or without market directional support at the time. Anything in the first five minutes will be considered WITHOUT market support because market direction cannot be determined that early.
From the report, the top pick in GNTX triggered long (with market support) and worked beyond great:
TTWO triggered long (with market support) and worked:
ISIL triggered long (with market support) and worked:
LIFE triggered long (with market support) and worked:
VPRT triggered long (with market support) and worked:
LLEN triggered long (with market support) and worked great too:
CENX triggered long (with market support) and didn’t do anything at all, but didn’t go against either:
In the Messenger, AAPL triggered long (with market support) and worked:
Rich’s NFLX triggered short (without market support) and worked great:
That brings us a total of 8 triggers with market support, 7 worked great and 1 barely moved. Just a great session.