With each stock’s recap, we will include a (with market support) or (without market support) tag, designating whether the trade triggered with or without market directional support at the time. Anything in the first five minutes will be considered WITHOUT market support because market direction cannot be determined that early.
Off of the report, we had several trades trigger in the opening five minutes, so they had no market support as it is not yet determined.
WBSN (without market support in the opening 5 minutes) triggered long and worked:
GXDX (without market support) triggered long and didn’t work, but it held in the money for hours to give you time to adjust stop tight or get out:
LULU (without market support in the opening five minutes) triggered long and worked:
DNDN (without market support in the opening five minutes) triggered short and worked:
In the Messenger, AMZN (with market support) triggered short and worked:
Rich’s LVS (with market support) triggered long and worked:
RIMM (without market support) triggered long and eventually worked, technically swept it once first, no market support either way:
Rich’s MEE short (without market support) triggered and worked:
Rich’s AKAM long (with market support) didn’t work:
AMZN long (with market support) worked enough for a partial:
So a lot of trades triggered, and the ones off of the report worked great. However, due to a fairly flat day and some very early triggers, only 4 trades triggered with market support. Three of those worked.