With each stock’s recap, we will include a (with market support) or (without market support) tag, designating whether the trade triggered with or without market directional support at the time. Anything in the first five minutes will be considered WITHOUT market support because market direction cannot be determined that early. ETF calls do not require market support, and are thus either winners or losers.
From the report, a lot of our calls off the report gapped over the triggers. Our top pick, CHKP, however, did not and triggered (just barely without market support, but we took it) and worked great:
RPTP triggered long (without market support due to opening 5 minutes) and worked enough for a partial:
ITMN triggered long (without market support) and worked great:
From the Messenger/Tradesight_st Twitter Feed, Rich’s FAS triggered short (ETF, so no market support needed) and worked enough for a partial:
His UVXY triggered long (without market support) and didn’t work:
His LNKD triggered long (with market support) and worked great:
In total, that’s 2 trades triggering with market support, both worked, but also CHKP worked.