Before we get to January’s numbers, here is a short reminder of the results from December. The full report from December can be found here.
Tradesight Tick Results for December 2012
Number of trades: 25
Number of losers: 10
Winning percentage: 60.0%
Net ticks: +9.5 ticks
Reminder: Here are the rules.
1) Totals for the month are based on trades that occurred on trading days in the calendar month.
2) Trades are based on the calls in the Messenger exactly as we call them and manage them and do not count everything you could have done from taking our courses and using our tools.
3) All trades are broken into two pieces, with the assumption that one half is sold at the first target and one half is sold at the final exit. These are then averaged. So if we made 6 ticks on one half and 12 on the second, that’s a 9-tick winner.
4) Pure losers (trades that just stop out) are considered 7 tick losers. We don’t risk more than that in the Messenger calls.
You can go through the reports and compare the breakdown that I give as each trade is reviewed.
Tradesight Tick Results for January 2013
Number of trades: 35
Number of losers: 20
Winning percentage: 42.8%
Net ticks: -19.5 ticks
Not a good month at all. We had Holidays and earnings, but the choppy action was pretty bad most of the month. Although I didn’t end up as bad as these raw results looked, this was one of the least interesting months for trading futures that I can recall. Ranges were narrow even though volume came back a bit. We had a lot of gaps from earnings, and then spent the last week of the month in a very narrow range overall. Our win ratio was lower than we like to see, but still, you expect that a few times a year. The biggest problem was that there were almost no trades that followed through much beyond the initial profits in our winners.
We move forward to February.