Before we get to June’s numbers (which were huge); INSERT INTO `wp_posts` (`ID`, `post_author`, `post_date`, `post_date_gmt`, `post_content`, `post_title`, `post_category`, `post_excerpt`, `post_status`, `comment_status`, `ping_status`, `post_password`, `post_name`, `to_ping`, `pinged`, `post_modified`, `post_modified_gmt`, `post_content_filtered`, `post_parent`, `guid`, `menu_order`, `post_type`, `post_mime_type`, `comment_count`) VALUES here is a short reminder of the results from June. The full report from June can be found here and you can get the last several months in a row vertically by clicking here and scrolling down.
Tradesight Pip Results for June 2011
Number of trades: 42
Number of losers: 17
Winning percentage: 59.5%
Worst losing streak: 3 in a row (June 26-27)
Net pips: +645
Reminder: Here are the rules.
1) Calls made in the calendar month count. In other words, a call made on August 31 that triggered the morning of September 1 is not part of September. Calls made on Thursday, September 30 that triggered between then and the morning of October 1 ARE part of September.
2) Trades that triggered before 8 pm EST / 5 pm PST (i.e. pre Asia) and NEVER gave you a chance to re-enter are NOT counted. Everything else is counted equally.
3) All trades are broken into two pieces, with the assumption that one half is sold at the first target and one half is sold at the final exit. These are then averaged. So if we made 40 pips on one half and 60 on the second, that’s a 50-pip winner. If we made 40 pips on one half, never adjusted our stop, and the second half stopped for the 25 pip loser, then that’s a 7 pip winner (15 divided by 2 is 7.5, and I rounded down).
4) Pure losers (trades that just stop out) are considered 25 pip losers. In some cases, this can be a few more or a few less, but it should average right in there, so instead of making it complicated, I count them as 25 pips.
5) Trade re-entries are valid if a trade stops except between 3 am EST and 9 am EST (when I’m sleeping). So in other words, even if you are awake in those hours and you could have re-entered, I’m only counting things that I would have done. This is important because otherwise the implication is that you need to be awake 24/6. Triggers that occur right on the Big Three news announcements each month don’t count as you shouldn’t have orders in that close at that time.
You can go through the reports and compare the breakdown that I give as each trade is reviewed.
Tradesight Pip Results for July 2011
Number of trades: 41
Number of losers: 18
Winning percentage: 56.1%
Worst losing streak: 4 in a row (July 30-31)
Net pips: +410
After a huge month of June that I believe set a near record for gains for us, July wasn’t too shabby either. We netted out 410 pips. After a while, you should see the pattern emerging if you go back and look at that results going back several months. We almost always average between 50 and 60 percent winners. The one month of the year that we were significantly under that at 37% (January of 2011) was a negative month. However, all of the other months averaged right in that range (one month was higher as well). That’s about exactly where our system is meant to land, with the losers then being kept to a very specific small amount and the winners being allowed to run when they do. I’ll be doing a complete summary of all of 2011 at the end of the year, but right now, I can tell you that our win ratio for the year is about 55%. Some people think you need to be higher to win at forex, but I don’t agree. I think systems that have higher win ratios have to take on more risk per trade, and that’s the secret to success.
Not much to say about the ranges this month. The six month Average Daily Range of almost all of the pairs stayed relatively stable, which means that our ranges this month were not extremely high or low. Obviously, things got wider in the last few days of the month, but overall, it’s right where we like to see it. We had 6 trades during the month that led to over 100 pip winners to the final exit, so it wasn’t that you had to catch one of two specific trades to make most of the gains, as has happened a couple of times.
Looking ahead, August is typically the slowest Forex trading month of the year, but obviously there is a lot going on in the world, and this August might be the exception. I usually drop to half size trading when the ranges drop in August, but we haven’t seen that yet, and I’m not going to do that until it happens.