The ES made a new high on the day but is still contained below the active static trend line which was tested intraday. There is little to add here, this is the line in the sand before a retest of the highs.
The NQ futures were higher on the day by 24 and are within shooting distance of the active static trend line.
The 10-day Trin is still around the neutral area.
Multi-sector daily chart:
The SOX/NDX cross made new high on the move and is setting up for a reversal.
The SOX was the top gun on the day making a new high close on the move. Keep in mind that there is an active Seeker buy signal in place.
The XAU closed right at the 50dma and looks ready to take a run at the static trend line.
The OSX matched the high close of the recent range and is poised for a very important brealout.
The BKX also closed at a new high on the move and still has an active Seeker sell signal in place.