Today in the Markets:
The markets opened fairly flat and didn’t do much early, finally filled the small gap over lunch and then sold off hard when interest rates went higher, bottomed at the Comber 13 signals you see below, and that was that on 5.6 billion NASDAQ shares.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
YM with Levels:
CL with Levels:
GC with Levels:
ZB with Levels:
ZN with Levels:
A winner for the session.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered short at A and worked:
Additional Futures Calls:
Results: +10 ticks.
A winner for the session, but the surprise move wasn’t expected in the markets.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich’s FDX triggered short (with market support) and worked:
That’s 1 trigger with market support, and it worked.