Today in the Markets:
The markets gapped up big but then made their way back to fill the gaps exactly, then tried to bounce and sold off again after lunch to close…you guessed it…even again for the day. NASDAQ volume was 4.9 billion shares.
ES with Levels:
ES with Market Directional:
NQ with Levels:
RTY with Levels:
CL with Levels:
GC with Levels:
Two calls triggered.
ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A and worked, triggered short at B and worked enough for a partial:
Additional Futures Calls:
Results: +10.5 ticks
Two calls triggered.
These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, AMGN triggered long (without market support) and did not work:
Rich’s TSLA triggered long (with market support) and did not work:
That’s 1 triggered with market support, and it did not work.