
The markets gapped down and went lower but then recovered almost to the starting point of the day on 4.5 billion NASDAQ shares. Mostly, it was the biggest waste of the day possible, as the futures OR plays were too far out of range to take and really no other futures trades lined up except for the ES 13 Comber buy signal on the 5 minute chart against the Average Daily Range. Forex worked and continues. Stocks barely mattered as we closed where we opened. Waste of a day.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:


ES Opening Range Play triggered short at A but too far out of range to take:

NQ Opening Range Play triggered short at A and long at B and both were too far out of range to take:

Results: +0 ticks


GBPUSD triggered short at A, hit first target at B, still holding second half with a stop over S2:

Results: no results since the trade is still open.


From the Tradesight Plus report, several shorts gapped under the triggers, so no plays.

From the Twitter feed, Rich’s KLAC triggered long (without market support) and worked:

YELP triggered long (with market support) and worked enough for a partial:

TWTR triggered short (with market support) and didn’t work:

That’s 2 triggers with market support, one worked and one didn’t.