Today in the Markets:

The markets opened basically flat, pushed higher and then pulled back, made new lows for the day, and then came back up to even and closed slightly lower on 5.2 billion NASDAQ shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

CL with Levels:

GC with Levels:


Two calls triggered.

ES Opening Range Play, triggered short at A and did not work, triggered long at B and worked enough for a partial:

Additional Futures Calls:


Results: -16 ticks


Three calls triggered.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, META triggered long (with market support) and did not work:

HUM triggered short (without market support) and worked:

Rich’s FAS triggered short (direction not needed for an ETF) and worked:

That’s 2 triggered with market support, 1 worked and 1 did not.